Founder Weekly (Issue 573 - February 8 2023)

Founder Weekly - Issue 573

Founder Weekly

Welcome to issue 573 of Founder Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.


The Founder and CEO of Wix teams up with NFX to deconstruct the systems Wix used to grow into a $B+ company with 5,000+ employees.

Founders have intuition about their company and products that are hard to describe, but extremely valuable. This post talks about how to harness that and when it ceases to become an effective tool.

The Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of AI in Education.

Marketing, Sales and PR

In this episode, we explore the marketing strategies that helped Airtable punch above its weight and build an established brand. We also dig into how Airtable was able to find its first super-users, how customer success played a key role in getting early traction, and the do’s and don’ts for marketing investments. 

Userflow’s co-founder on how to build a self-serve product.

Money and Finance

Hunker down & survive. Make tough choices faster and don't become a zombie.

Eight initiatives to increase efficiency in an economic downturn.

Tips, Tools and Services

Why you should join a startup and a 35-item checklist on the questions to ask to evaluate a startup.

What To Look For When Reference Checking Polarizing Entrepreneurs.

The top tools powering modern-day software companies.

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